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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hair Treatment Companies

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Hair Treatment Companies

Hair Density and Dense Packing

Hair Density and Dense Packing

The density of the transplanted hair is an important factor which the quality of the hair restoration operation.
How can hairs be transplanted densely?

Normally, there are 70-100 follicular units per square centimeters (FU/cm²) in scalp. According to the results of scientific studies, hair loss becomes noticeable when hair density decreases by 50%. This may also be termed as “felt density”,which is different from mathematical density.

Resource : Transmed

Fast Forward

Fast Forward
What is Fast Forward?

Dr. M. Päffgen
The Fast Forward application includes PRP, namely Platelet Rich Plasma, and certain ingredients that activate this blood product.

Why Fast Forward?

Fast Forward is applied within a laboratory setting under the observance of a Professor hematologist as well as specialized surgeons and is one of the first PRP-induced such therapies in the world that has been supported with clinical tests. Fast Forward relies on the medical literature and the results that Transmed R&D Team documented within the past year.

Can Fast Forward be applied to everyone?

Fast Forward can be applied to all hair restoration patients.

What is the procedure?

Fast Forward is the application of autolog platelets namely products of your own blood to the transplanted area after an activation using certain ingredients. If you want to talk about details of the procedure or about hair restoration surgery you can make an appointment with our doctors for a consultation. If you are not in Turkey and thus cannot come to our clinic, we suggest you fill our online consultation form or send us an email.

What are the side effects?

The mix used in the Fast Forward application is composed of your own blood and autolog activators. Thus, there is no allergic reaction or infection risk following the procedure.

What is PRP?

The basic ingredient of Fast Forward is PRP, platelet rich plasma. This blood product has been used in various medical fields since the 70’s to accelerate the wound healing process after operations or minor injuries that cannot be treated with surgeries. In the past ten years PRP-based treatments have become a media attraction especially after their successful usage on star athletes in the US. To read more about PRP within this context please refer to the New York Times through this link. In the beginning of the new millennium hair restoration surgeons showed interest for PRP and its possible applications to hair transplantation. First products of this involvement were presented at the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) meetings and the medical literature published starting from 2004. Please click here for the milestone research papers on PRP.

Does Fast Forward bring about the same results for everyone?

PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma, has been used in various medical fields since the 70’s to accelerate the wound healing process after operations or for injuries that cannot be treated with surgery. These indications of PRP have been approved by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration. In addition to this, the proteins and growth factors released from the platelets during the procedure are shown by various research results to be effective in assisting cell multiplication.

Based on our research team’s observations as well as the aforementioned previous research we have reason to believe that Fast Forward does indeed improve the results of hair transplantations and accelerate the healing process post-OP. However, these indications may differ for each patient and therefore expectations should be balanced.

Resources : Transmed

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Unlike the previsously defined FUT technique, in this technique hair follicles are extracted directly from the level of follicles on the skin. This technique is known as “non-invasive”. In FUE, no scalpels or stiches are used in the donor region and thus no visible scars are left. While extraction techniques are different in FUE and FUT, restoration techniques are identical. The method in use in our clinic is based on a technique known as F.O.X, which was first used by Dr. Ray Woods and later developed by Dr. William Rasman.
When Dr. Rassman declared the scientific results of FUE method, which he called F.O.X Procedure, in ISHRS Conference held in New York in October 2003, our scientific team studied this extraction method. We first carried out a FUE operation in January 2004. Today, thanks to the corrections in the technic made by our staff, our staff can transplant 1500 to 2000 follicular units in a session. Cosmetics wise, the results of both FUE and FUT operations are equally satisfying. The only difference between these two is that one of them leaves scars in the donor region while the other doesn’t.

Resource : Transmed

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
At the moment the most frequently applied and the most advanced techniqu is transplanting physiological hair groups called follicular units after extracting them from a strip of hair in the hair ring. This technique has long replaced the technique of traditional mini-micro graft hair transfer.

In this section, some of the most important aspects of the technique are listed. Transmed ensures the use of exclusively follicular units (FU) in all hair restoration operations.

Solutions for Hair Loss

There are non-surgical techniques used to cure androgenetic hair loss, which is the most common type of hair loss seen in both men and women. Although there are many cosmetics and lotions which claim to solve the problem, very few of them have been scientifically tested or approved.

Resource : Transmed

The Effect of Genes and Hormones on Hair Loss

The Effect of Genes and Hormones on Hair Loss
It is thought that the real cause of genetic hair loss is the enzyme 5-Alpha Reductase, which converts testosterone into dehydrotestosterone (DHT). Dehydrotestosterone shows its effect by connecting to the androgen receptors of hair follicles. DHT shortens the life cycle of hair follicles. After each cycle, hairs get thinner and thinner and while the process is repeated, the scalp becomes more visible.
The Effect of Genes and Hormones on Hair Loss
The Changes in Testosterone After Being Exposed to 5-Alpha Reductase

Although everybody has the hormones and enzymes that cause hair loss, why do some people suffer from this while some others don’t?

The question can best be answered by referring to a few theories that are based on hair surgery observations made in the last few years.

The number of androgen receptors in the balding scalp of patients suffering from male-pattern baldness is above normal.
The higher the proportion of the dehydrotestosterone to testosterone, the faster the hair shedding process. That is to say, male-pattern hair loss has nothing to do with the amount of testosterone but the production level of DHT.
It is known that hair growth is determined before birth. The cause of hair loss is the hereditary sensitivity of hair follicules to DHT.

What is hair loss?

Hair loss is a part of the process of natural hair renewal and is usually seen on the head. Hair loss in different parts of the body is gen unnoticed and they have a different genetic program than scalp hair.

Hair loss is seen both in man and women but is more commonly observed in men. 25 % of men over the age of 25 suffer from this problem, while this rate increases to 50 % in men over 50.
The cause of hair loss has become more clear especially in the last few years.
The determining factor in natural hair loss is hair growth cycles. Each hair is genetically programmed to go through the phases of anagen -growing phase-, catagen -transitional phase- and telogen -resting or shedding phase-. Losing approximately 100 hairs a day is quite normal and as long as hair follicles continue to function, these hairs keep growing.
There are countless reasons for hair loss has. Excessive stress, connective tissue disorders, the use of certain medications, chronic diseases, malnutrition and problems related to the hormones could trigger hair loss. Hair loss is also seen in body parts which have been subject to physical trauma.
Genetic hair loss is the most commonly seen type of hair loss both in men and women. Hair follicles are genetically coded in the womb. Baldness genes make certain hair follicles sensitive to testosterone and follicular activities start to reduce.This is first noticed when the hairs get thinner. Through the course of time, the follicular activity stops completely and baldness becomes a permanent state. This type of baldness has many names, including androgenetic alopecia, androgenetic hair loss, male-type hair loss, male-pattern baldness and male baldness.

Resource : Transmed